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Hello 2020!!

Writer's picture: debbiedebbie

Updated: Mar 27, 2020

Can you believe it is 2020?!?

I'd like to start this year with gratitude and take a moment to thank you all for the learning and growing opportunities we had together last year. Thank you for your dedication to the horse and for trusting me on this journey of continued education and inspiration to be the best horsemen and woman we can be mentally, physically, emotionally and

spiritually. It was a wonderful busy year and I appreciate everyone who participated in riding clinics, workshops, and private sessions. I am looking forward to seeing you all in 2020!

I would also like to acknowledge Carissa Sorrenson, whom most of you know ‘virtually’, and is my right hand administrator who also manages many elements of Equine Self Expression. I truly could not manage this business without her. The behind the scenes work can sometimes go unnoticed to the outside world, but I assure you, if it wasn’t for Carissa, Equine Self Expression would not be what it is growing into today. :) Yay Carissa!!!

There are so many new and exciting things taking place at Equine Self Expression this year and my team and I are excited to share them with you:

1) Last year Equine Self Expression was fortunate to be able to expand and purchase a small horse farm at our second location, in Middletown Indiana.

  • With the addition of a small indoor, more stalls, and turn out for clinic and lesson participants, we are blessed to be able to expand our workshop, training and lesson opportunities to our Indiana location. 

  • We ALSO began construction on our brand new, state of the art lecture facility and training barn, complete with wash stall and heated amenities which is right next door to the facility we purchased.  The electric is all wired in the new barn and although the new building and additional pasture will not be complete until fall 2020, we are happy to announce that we will be offering some clinics, and six, 3-day lesson series at the facility we purchased, beginning in March 2020.

  • At this time, we are in the final stages of re-surfacing the recently purchased indoor arena with Kruse Cushion, ready for our March teaching and training days. (You may want to jot them down and make your reservation now as we can only board 5 horses per each 3 day series of lessons.) As you all know, upgrading a facility takes time and we will continue the improvements on the purchased facility throughout the year, even though we will be hosting and utilizing the space for teaching, workshops and clinics. We look forward to having you join us at some point throughout the year.

2. The dates for the lesson days at Equine Self Expression – Indiana, have already been determined and you can find all the info out on our brand new website!

  • Now you will be able to sign up for clinics, request to be a host, see calendar and hosting locations, learn more about the courses we offer, as well as those on the way.

  • Eventually purchase our ESE line of clothing and other products in our online store, and attend our special University classes!! We still have quite a bit of work to do on it, but it is up.

  • You can also signup for our newsletter and access the educational blog (obviously:)

3) If you haven't already, please go visit our website today and sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of our homepage so you won't miss anything! The first 10 new people to signup receive a special free gift courtesy of Equine Self Expression. 

4) Many of you have been asking for on line education and classes, and we heard you. With thanks to the incredible patience, knowledge and skill of Becky Howell (who also is responsible for our new website appearance) we will be launching the University platform this Spring!! How can you stay in the loop?

5) Regarding our FB page, you may have noticed we have been quiet lately. It’s true, but that is all about to change. Time flies and it is so important for us to keep up with the times and for me to continue my own education as a rider, trainer and lecturer.  Our efforts have been going toward just that. I have been seeking more advanced education to share with you, as well as developing new courses and building the University platform. None of that will ever be complete as I am always learning and growing, however our Facebook page will be more active than it has ever been. With video teams in place, we will soon be offering live, educational materials to enhance your world as a horseman as well as that of your horse. Our Facebook page will be an active and interactive place where you can come for information, learning, growing and freebies. 

6) Our scheduling for 2020 is almost complete. With all the exciting changes unfolding this year, as well as workshops at both locations (Missouri and Indiana), and my continued education, I am reducing the number of days I will be spending on the road. For this reason, the intricacies of scheduling have taken a little more time this year.

7) We are already taking applications for hosting clinics in 2021 and there are still a couple of

opportunities available for hosting clinics this year. If you are interested in hosting a clinic this year, please contact Carissa for a menu of all of the wonderful learning opportunities we have available for you, or check them out on the website. Not sure which clinic you'd like to have? Let us help you choose the right class for you and your friends/clients. Please remember, clinic dates go fast! If you think you'd like to host, please get in touch soon.

Please reserve these dates for our upcoming teaching day series.

Each rider has 2 lessons per day for 3 days. In between lessons there will be a group discussion with all participants, pertaining to the specific why’s of the previous lesson. This will be followed by an interactive question and answer session. Throughout the lesson days, there will be bonus mini-lectures and short demonstrations to enhance the learning of the group. Only 5 riders per three-day sessions will be accepted. Auditors are welcome. This series will take place 3 times this year and will continue into 2021. Any riding participant that signs up for 3 consecutive series, will receive a further discount.

If you have any questions about the myriad of opportunities to learn and grow with the Equine Self Expression team this year, please contact Carissa at for more information.

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