Equine Self Expression Growth Learning and Healing Workshops
Through the eye of the horse
Equine Self Expression is also incredibly happy to offer a series of workshops related
to individual and group Learning, Growth and Healing. These workshops build upon each other and provide participants with a solid internal foundation for their journey of self exploration. As the workshops progress individuals find themselves clearing away more and more self -imposed obstacles based on fear, belief systems, indoctrination and unfulfilled dreams.
Many individuals chose to participate in the entire series of workshops in the order suggested over the course of several years, treating themselves to an internal vacation annually! Other people begin with the mandatory first workshop and then pick and chose depending upon their particular needs.
“Calling on the Inner Self – Who Am I”
***This workshop is required before participating in any other workshop in our series
DURATION – 3 Day (May participate as an individual or group)
The Foundation Workshop is the mandatory workshop which introduces the idea of the self-exploration concept through the journey of equus. It is this experience that assists people in recognizing their own areas of misaligning beliefs and lack of self-trust.
DURATION – 3 Days per workshop (May participate as an individual or group).
The first series of workshops address your own alignment, beliefs and hurdles that are preventing you from achieving some of your goals. During the workshop you will notice that many of these hurdles show up primarily in certain areas of your life, yet fundamentally tiptoe their way into all aspects of your being. These hurdles we call opportunities, as once the potential hurdle is discovered, the opportunity for change [with the assistance and non-judgmental approach of equus] becomes clear, inviting and exciting.
1a) “Understanding our intention as we walk”
1b) “Exploring the healed state”
1c) “Are you being who you really are”
1d) “Discovering hidden hurdles”
1e) “Turning hurdles into opportunities”
The “Foundation Workshop” must be completed or participation date must be prior to involvement in any of the Series I workshops.
The workshops in Series I can be taken in order to discover your personal theme, or out of order to fit your personal needs.
DURATION – 3 Days per workshop
The second theme is the re-discovery of hidden dreams and goals. We call these hidden because at some point in our life we have made plans, created dreams and had goals that we have put on hold, given up on or purely buried and hidden because we lost belief in our self and our manifesting ability. In our society we become caught up in the fundamentals of an infrastructure that has us focus on the “what is”. Beginning as children we lose track of our dreams: our teachers tell us to stop day dreaming and pay attention, our elders tell us we will never achieve that far fetched goal. there is no money in that
occupation or to stop dreaming of what you would like to be. All these messages take on a reality of their own and we become blind to our dreams and goals, often believing that “dreams cannot come true”!
2a) “Discovering your hidden dreams – the uncovering process”
2b) “Do you know what you want- REALLY?”
2c) “What would you do today if you knew you couldn’t fail?”
2d) “Learn to live each day as if it is your first and last”
2e) “Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” Martin Luther King
The “Foundation Workshop” must be completed or participation date must be prior to involvement in any
of the Series II workshops. The workshops in Series II can be taken in order to discover your personal theme, or out of order to fit your
personal needs.
DURATION – 3 Days per workshop (May participate as an individual or group)
Once we have re discovered our hidden dreams and goals we begin the process of clearing out all the reasoning why we cannot manifest what we do want. This process includes observing our relationship to others and influences on them and by them. We begin to open our heart and mind to people and situations in our life and free ourselves from deeper levels of negativity regarding personal, family, business relationships and our relationship to our self. In this process we discover the courage and confidence to realize our dreams and goals and take confident action steps to begin taking responsibility for our life, mission and passion. It is during this unfolding of the work that participants reconnect with their inner child and discover a mission that is bigger than them. From there, passion is born: passion for life, humanity, self, service, higher consciousness and most of all passion for living.
3a) “Exploring the contrast”
3b) “No more excuses"
3c) “Hidden agendas and false perceptions”
3d) “Taking FULL responsibility”
3e) “Tuning in to your manifesting frequency”
The “Foundation Workshop” must be completed or participation date must be prior to involvement in any of the Series III workshops
The workshops in Series III can be taken in order to discover your personal theme, or out of order to fit your personal needs.
DURATION – 3 Days per workshop (May participate as an individual or group)
Forgiveness and nurturing the inner child is the final of this four part series involved in the internal journey of discovering self. As we clear away the obstacles that have clouded our view, we see the world and ourselves in a different light. It is time to embrace all our life experiences, nurture our self from the maternal, paternal and inner child perspective and forgive anyone in those categories that we may be holding a grudge against. A grudge symbolizes resistance in self and what we resist persists, so this journey of leaving behind the life story as you see it with all its in-completions and resistance allows each participant to symbolically walk through the golden arch way into a new way of being in this world.
4a) “What does your herd look like?”
4b) “Connecting with your inner child”
4c) “Bringing light to the shadows”
4d) “What you resist persists”
4e) “Forgive yourself first”
The “Foundation Workshop” must be completed or participation date must be prior to involvement in any of the Series IV workshops
The workshops in Series IV can be taken in order to discover your personal theme, or out of order to fit your personal needs.
5) “Discovering Self Love”
**Participants who complete the entire series of workshops in the series of four will be eligible to participate in a two day equine creativity and exploration workshop.**